Print Scanning
Print Scanning
Our print scanning service is for digitising printed artwork up to 47x35cm in size. Prints are scanned on one of our high-end Fuji Lanovia flatbed scanners which are able to capture the full detail, depth and tonality of an original for online use or digital reproduction.
If you need a large quantity of prints scanning get in touch and we'll work out a discount!
For print scan samples, see here.
Please note - The Fuji Lanovia does not support automatic dust/scratch removal so scans may require some minor dust removal in post-processing.
How to order:
1. Choose the developing options you need. At checkout you can add any extra notes you may think we need to know.
2. Complete payment at checkout.
3. Make a note of your order number, and include this in your parcel to send to us. This can be as simple as writing it on any scrap of paper lying around. (draw us a pic if you feel artistic!)
4. Once we receive your film, we will email to let you know we have them.